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                             ..Installation ..

 Following steps are necessary to install dB-Tools:

  1. Insert the disc "dB-Tools 2.5" in floppy (A: or B: etc.).
     Write: A:INSTALL

  2. Indicate Laufwerk and the directory in which the dB-Tools data should be
     copied. To break with escape.

  3. After installing the data, change your dB-Tools directory and start the
     Write:  DB DEMO1
     From now on you can start dB-Tools with Demo1.dbf.

   There are 8 ways to start dB-Tools:

   - DB                               [without parameter...]
   - DB dBase-data                    [with/without ending .dbf]
   - DB dBase+Index                   [dBase and Index-data]
   - DB Text-data                     [with ending]
   - DB new dBase-data                [with/without ending .dbf]
   - DB data1 data2 data3             [Mehere Dateien gleichzeitg]
   - DB [data1 data2..] /modus        [Modus= /E(exclusiv) /S(shared)]
   - DB [data1 data2..] /config       [Config.= configurations-data
                                         z.B db.cnf]
  - DB [data1 data2..] /D=...         [Driver=(z.B "DBFSIX"..)

See Also: overall view first steps
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson